Plan miasta Tombre

Tombre - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Il Blog di Andrea Tornielli ? Blog Archive ? Padre Pio: il b.../b

La Grande Storia ha realizzato un documentario su Padre Pio che ? andato in onda questa bestate/b che ha trattato, certamente non in forma saggistica, non ? un libro, questi argomenti. é stato molto apprezzato, lo stesso Aldo Grasso sul Corriere (!) ha scritto una recensione b...../b Quanto a don Terenzi buonanima, avevo gia' scritto in questo blog che nella cripta con la sua btombra/b hanno messo un cartellino in cui lo si definisce ?figlio spirituale di Padre Pio?? Che dire? b.../b
źródło: BlogSearch

watwuzithinkin?: Is this a Cult?

They will avoid bvacations/b, holidays, weddings, funerals, or any special events with their own families. They will however spend holidays, bvacations/b, and other special events with the other members. b....../b I can never, in a thousand years, imagine SF leaders like Bratlie or bTombre/b making such a statement. It is quite ungodly, as was the response as reported below. ESPECIALLY if he never apologized for such a remark. If it's true, it speaks very much to the immaturity and b.../b
źródło: BlogSearch

watwuzithinkin?: Is this a Cult?

They will avoid bvacations/b, holidays, weddings, funerals, or any special events with their own families. They will however spend holidays, bvacations/b, and other special events with the other members. b....../b I can never, in a thousand years, imagine SF leaders like Bratlie or bTombre/b making such a statement. It is quite ungodly, as was the response as reported below. ESPECIALLY if he never apologized for such a remark. If it's true, it speaks very much to the immaturity and b.../b
źródło: BlogSearch
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